Research Services
In-house hyperspectral scanning
Hyperspectral Data Analysis
Characterization of deposit geology
Applied research in ore-processing
The HSU is primarily investigating mineralogical or other physio-chemical variability within geological samples. We use technology designed to quickly scan diamond drill core. This 5-camera system is able to scan a single box (1.5 m long) in under a minute. Other sample types, including hand samples, blast hole cuttings, and thin section offcuts can also be scanned and characterized using the HSU system. This provides a better understanding of the geology and mineralogy of a mineral deposit and allows our partners to improve their processes, from initial exploration stages through to final ore-processing and even end-of-mine-life reclamation.
Click here to view a full gallery of the lab's cutting-edge scanning instruments

Lypaczewski, P., Rivard, B., Lesage, G., Byrne, K., D’Angelo, M., & Lee, R. G. (2020). Characterization of Mineralogy in the Highland Valley Porphyry Cu District Using Hyperspectral Imaging, and Potential Applications. Minerals, 10(5), 473.